We conduct utility model and patent litigation, i.e. we

  • prosecute infringements of utility models or patents pre-litigation (e.g. by issuing a warning or requesting authorisation),
  • ‘vindicate’ patents that have been applied for by an unauthorised person,
  • conduct conciliation, arbitration and mediation proceedings due to patent infringements,
  • enforce claims arising from patents and – more rarely – utility models in preliminary injunction proceedings,
  • bring actions for patent infringement in first and second instance,
  • defend defendants in infringement actions and
  • conduct criminal proceedings for patent infringements, either on the side of the injured party or the accused.

Germany is an outstanding centre for patent litigation. It is our goal to contribute to the development of this area of law through competent and assertive litigation. Good legal work, a solid understanding of the technical context and attention to detail in the linguistic recording of complex legal or technical contexts are therefore important to us.

We regularly work together with patent attorneys. We are particularly interested in pleasant and productive teamwork with the patent attorneys involved. It is not uncommon for an uncomplicated, fact-orientated exchange with our blue-robed colleagues to make the decisive difference for the success of a case.

We do not file patent applications. However, we are happy to coordinate the protection of our clients’ inventions – also internationally – by referring them to experienced patent attorneys who are well versed in the relevant technical field and with whom we can conduct all correspondence up to the grant of the patent if necessary.

Our lawyers are at your disposal as contacts in patent law.