Competition law

Competition law ensures fair competition and protects consumers by enabling the prosecution of unfair practices by companies. Classic examples of anti-competitive behavior are

  • misleading advertising, e.g., claiming market leadership that cannot actually be proven or product features that do not actually exist,
  • exposing or incorrect statements about competitors,
  • the distribution of counterfeit products,
  • attempts to impede competitors by calling for boycotts, blockades or enticing away personnel,
  • factually inaccurate comparative advertising,
  • advertising through spam messages or unsolicited calls, and
  • violating legal obligations to provide information and warnings.

Combativeness, responsiveness, commitment and experience of legal counsels are of particular importance in competition law proceedings. In more than 700 competition litigations since 2007, we have built up a close-knit network of experience and knowledge, which enables us to grasp new facts and unusual litigation constellations briefly and to solve them efficiently. We have developed particular expertise in the following areas:

  • defense of original manufacturers against counterfeit consumer and designer products,
  • combating counterfeit technical products,
  • misleading advertising,
  • cases requiring extensive research and evidence gathering, and
  • statements about competitors.

The editors of BrandEins included us in the list of the best competition law firms in Germany in 2024.

Our lawyers are at your disposal as contacts in competition law.